1. Spectral analysis of enhanced third harmonic generation from plasmonic excitations[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
G. X. Li,T. Li,H. Liu, K. F. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu, K. W. Cheah
Appl. Phys. Lett. | 98, 261909 (2011).

2. Linear and nonlinear Fano resonance on two-dimensional magnetic metamaterials[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Liu, H.; Li, G. X.; Li, K. F.; et.al
Phys. Rev. B | B 84, 235437 (2011)

3. Coherent magnetic plasmon modes in a contacting gold nano-sphere chain on a gold Slab[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Chen, K. N.; Liu, H.; Wang, S. M.; et.al
Optics Express | 19, 23782 (2011)

4. Strong plasmon coupling between two gold nanospheres on a gold slab[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Liu, H.; Ng, J.; Wang, S. B.; et. al
New J. Phys. 13,073040(2011) | 13,073040(2011)

5. Sizable electromagnetic forces in parallel-plate metallic cavity[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
S. B. Wang, Jack Ng,H. Liu, H. H. Zheng, Z. H. Hang, and C. T. Chan
PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 84, 075114 (2011)

6. magnetic plasmon in coupled nanosandwich structure[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Liu Qiu,Shuming Wang, Hui Liu ,Tao Li , Shining Zhu and  Xiang Zhang
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B | Vol. 28, No. 7 (2011)

7. Selective optical trapping based on strong plasmonic coupling between gold nanorods and slab[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Y. J. Zheng, H. Liu, S. M. Wang, T. Li, J. X. Cao, L. Li, C. Zhu, Y. Wang, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 98, 083117 (2011)

8. Accumulating microparticles and direct-writing micropatterns using a continuous-wave laser-induced vapor bubble[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Yajian Zheng, Hui Liu,Yi Wang, Cong Zhu, Shuming Wang, Jingxiao Cao and Shining Zhu
Lab on a Chip | 11, 3816 (2011)

9. Fast roll-off and sensitivity of a transparency window with dual magnetic resonant modes from a split double-ring metamaterial[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]
Zheng-Gao Dong , Hui Liu , Tao Li , Ming-Xiang Xu , Wei-Bing Lu , Shi-Ning Zhu
Physics Letters A | 375 1148–1151 (2011)

10. Strong Light-Induced Negative Optical Pressure Arising from Kinetic Energy of Conduction Electrons in Plasmon-Type Cavities[ DOWNLOAD PDF ]

H. Liu, Jack Ng, S. B. Wang, Z. F. Lin, Z. H. Hang, C. T. Chan, and S. N. Zhu